Artisti cu litera G:
G-Unit, G. Love, G.B.H., G.G. Anderson, Gabi Huiban, Gabriel Cotabita, Gabriel Dorobantu, Gabriel Huiban, Gabriela Cilmi, Gabriella, Gabriella Cilmi, Gabrielle, Gaby Albrecht, Gal Costa, Galax, Gallagher and Lyle, Galliano, Gammer & JB-C, Garbage, Gary Allan, Gary Allan feat. Willie Nelson, Gary Bartz, Gary Burton, Gary Byrd & The G.B. Experience, Gary Campbell, Gary Go, Gary Hamilton, Gary Lightbody, Gary Moore, Gary Moore feat. Phil Lynott, GARY NUMAN vs ADE FENTON, Gato Barbieri, Gatto Panceri, Gavin Degraw, Gavin G & Sytronik, Gavin Rossdale, Gaz pe foc, Geanina Pandelescu, Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Gelatine Rocks, Gemeinsam (Judith & Mel, Vreni & Rudi, Andy Borg, Angelina), Gemma Hayes, Gene, Gene Ammons, Gene Ammons All-stars, Gene Ammons Band, Gene Chandler, Gene Clark, Gene Davis, Gene Harris, Gene Harris All Star Big Band, Gene Harris/Scott Hamilton Quintet, Gene Krupa Big Band, Genesis, Genius, Genya Ravan, Geo Da Silva, GeoDaSilva, Georg Danzer, George Baker,  George Benson, George Craig, George Dalaras, George Eps, George Harrison, George Hora, George Lewis, George Michael, George Russell, George Shearing, George Strait, George Strugurel, Georges Brassens, Georges Moustaki, Georgia, Georgie Fame & The Blue Flames, Georgyn Geetlein, Gerald De Palmas, Gerald Price, Geraldo Azevedo, Geri Halliwel, Geri Halliwell, Gerry Mulligan, Gerry Mulligan Quartet, Gerry Rafferty, Gerson King Combo, Get Well Soon, Geta Burlacu, Gheorghe Dinica, Gheorghe Gheorghiu, Gheorghe Rosoga, Gheorghe Turda, Gheorghe Zamfir, Gia, Gia Farrel, Gianluca Grignani, Gianna Nannini, Gianna Nannini, Mauro Paoluzzi, Raffaella Riva, Giannis Ntounias, Giant Jr, Giant Jr vs Eartha Kitt, Gibson Brothers, Gica Petrescu, Gigi Gryce, Gigi Tabacar, Giglio, Gil Dobrica, Gil Evans, Gilberto Gil, Gin Blossoms, GINA G, Gina Jacobi, Ginette Garcin, Giorgio Moroder, Gipo Farassino, Gipsy Kings, Girls Aloud, Giulia, Giulia (ex Candy), Gladys Knight, Gladys Knight & The Pips, Glasvegas, Glen Brown, Glen Hansard, Glenn Frey, Global Deejays, Gloria Estefan, Gloria Gaynor, Gloria Scott, Gnarls Barkley, Godley & Creme, Godmode, Godsmack, Gogol Bordello, Goin' Through, Going after Zen, Goingeflickorna, Gold Panda, Gold Teeth, Golden Smog, Goldfrapp, Goleo, Gomez, Gomo, Gondwana, Gonzales, Goo Goo Dolls, Good Charlotte, Goombay Dance Band, Goran Bregovic, Goran Fristorp, Gorillaz, Gorky Park, Gorky`s Zygotic Mynci, Gotthard, Gotthilf Fischer und seine Chore, Grace Jones, Grace Potter and The Nocturnals, Graham Bonnet, Graham Haynes, Graham Kendrick, Graham Parker & The Rumour, GRAM PARSONS, Grasu XXL, Grav, Graveworm, GraVil, Green Day, Greg Lake, Greg Pearle & John Illsley, Greg Weeks, Gregg Kofi Brown & Friends, Gregory Hines, Gregory Isaacs, Gregory Lemarchal, Gretl & Franz, Greyhound, Greyson Chance, Grimus, Grinderman, Grinspoon, Grizzly, Groove, Groove Armada, Grover Washington, Jr., Grupo Bom Balanco, Grupo Compay Segundo, Grupul Sanitar, Guano Apes, Guess Who, Guilherme Araujo, Guitar Slim, Guitars Unlimited, Gumshen, Gun, Guns N Roses, Guns N' Roses, Gunther Wewel, Gunwer Bergkvist, Guru Josh Project, Gwen Guthrie, Gwen Stefani, Gwen Stefani feat. Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley, Gwen Stefani feat. Elan, Gwen Stefani feat. Eve, Gwyneth Herbert