A band from Bucharest , Romania that was formed near the end of 2006 . We changed a few members along the way until we found the formula that works containing Lex ( Lead vocal and guitar ) , Luca ( Guitar ) , Liviu ( Keyboards and Vocals ) , Grigo ( Bass ) and Alex ( Drums ) . The band was originally known as DoorWay but in 2008 we changed the name into Hush . We didn't record any studio quality ...
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13-01-2009 17:04 de minidvcam
www.studiounder.ro realizeaza videoclipuri
02-04-2009 11:10 de Anonim
concert HusH & Funattic, LA B.I.R.O.U., 11 aprilie, ora 21
26-05-2009 12:29 de Hush
sambata, 30 mai, gala care, la liceul cosbuc. teatru, stand up comedy muzica si bineninteles trupa hush la final  . va asteptam de la ora 15
29-05-2009 09:49 de Anonim
marti, 2 iunie, trupa hush va astepata in iron city de la ora 21 30.