Timpul se scurge repede si iata ca un alt
turneu european e pe cale sa inceapa. Avem si va punem la dispozitie
varianta finala a programului, insa asteptati-va la posibile surprize pe parcurs.
13/10/2008 @ Ljublijana (SL) - Orto Bar (www.dirtyskunks.org ) + Vesna
14/10/2008 @ Budapest (HU) - Blue Hell (www.redhole.hu) + Vesna
15/10/2008 @ Bratislava (SK) - Randal Club (www.randalclub.eu) + Galadriel, Vesna
16/10/2008 @ Bielsko-Biala (PL) - RudeBoy Club (www.rudeboyclub.pl) + Inferno, Saltus
17/10/2008 @ Prague (CZ) - Exit Chmelnice (www.exitchmelnice.cz) + Trollech, Vesna
18/10/2008 @ Sisak (CR) - Club Skwhat (www.skwhat.hr)
19/10/2008 @ Padova (IT) - Country Star Pub (www.countrystarpub.it) + Sacralis, Xeper
20/10/2008 @ Luynes (FR) - Le Korigan + Fir Bolg
21/10/2008 @ Barcelona (SP) - Apolo 2 (www.sala-apolo.com) + Kathaarsys, In Element
22/10/2008 @ Madrid (SP) - Ritmo y Compas ( www.ritmoycompas.com) + Kathaarsys, In Element
23/10/2008 @ Sevilla (SP) - Q(www.salaq.com) + Kathaarsys, In Element
24/10/2008 @ Salamanca (SP) - Irish Rover (www.theirishrover.com) + Kathaarsys, In Element
25/10/2008 @ Lisboa/Benavente (PT) B-Side + Kathaarsys, In Element
26/10/2008 @ Guimaraes (PT) - Vimaranes MF - Trovadores do Cano + Kathasrsys, In Element
27/10/2008 @ Vigo (SP) - La Fabrica de Chocolate (www.fabricadechocolateclub.com) + Kaatharsys, In Element
28/10/2008 @ Leon (SP) - Scanner + Kaatharsys, In Element
29/10/2008 @ Oviedo (SP) - Blade + Kaatharsys, In Element
30/10/2008 @ Bilbao (SP) - Santana 27 (www.santana27.com) + Kathaarsys, In Element
02/11/2008 @ Paris (FR) - Pena Festayre (www.pena-festayre.abcsalles.com) + Kathaarsys + In element + Aldaaron + Uoknal
03/11/2008 @ Gent (BE) - Frontline (www.thefrontline.be) + Ars Macabra, Y, Koester
05/11/2008 @ Hengelo (NL) - Metropool (www.metropool.nl)
06/11/2008 @ Rotterdam (NL) - Baroeg (www.baroeg.nl)
07/11/2008 @ Berlin (DE) - K7 (www.k17.de ) + Todtgelichter, Thorngoth, Panychida
08/11/2008 @ Bitterfeld (DE) - Festung (www.united-metal-maniacs.de) + Helheim, Atrox
11/11/2008 @ Hamburg (DE) - Marx (www.markthalle-hamburg.de) + Kathasrsys, In Element
12/11/2008 @ Rostok (DE) - Alte Zuckerfabrik (www.toxis.de) + Kathasrsys, In Element
13/11/2008 @ Essen (DE) - Turock Club (www.turock.de) + Kathasrsys, In Element
15/11/2008 @ Thun (CH) - TBC
16/11/2008 @ Ravenna (IT) - Bronson Club (www.bronsonproduzioni.com)
18/11/2008 @ Munchen (DE) - Titanic City (www.titanic-city.de) + Odem Arcarum
21/11/2008 @ Glasgow (UK) - Soundhaus (www.soundhaus.co.uk)
23/11/2008 @ Manchester (UK) - Gekfest - Satans Hollow (www.satanshollow.net)
26/11/2008 @ Exeter (UK) - The Hub (www.myspace.com/liveathub) + Sokaris, Sanguine, Archaic Arcanum
27/11/2008 @ London (UK) - The Purple Turtle, Camden (www.purpleturtlebar.com) + Fen, Scythian
28/11/2008 @ Cork (IR) - An Cruiscin Lan
29/11/2008 @ Dublin (IR) - Fibber Magees (www.fibbermagees.ie) + Wreck of the Hesperus, Celtachor
30/11/2008 @ Belfast (IR) - Auntie Annies (www.auntieanniesbelfast.com)