Beyonce este mare castigatoare a Premiilor Grammy 2010, gala decernarii trofeelor avand loc duminica la Staples Center din Los Angeles.
Din cele 10 nominalizari, Beyonce a plecat acasa cu sase trofee: Song of The Year ("Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)"), Best Female Pop Vocal Performance ("Halo"), Best Female R&B Vocal Performance ("Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)"), Best Traditional R&B Vocal Performance ("At Last"), Best R&B Song ("Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)"), Best Contemporary R&B Album ("I Am... Sasha Fierce")
Tanara cantareata de muzica country Taylor Swift a obtinut primele patru statuete din cariera, cea mai importanta fiind cea pentru albumul anului ("Fearless").
Pe scena scena Grammy-urilor au urcat Celine Dion, Usher, Smokey Robinson, Carrie Underwood si Jennifer Hudson, care i-au adus un omagiu lui Michael Jackson, cantand melodia "Earth Song". De altfel, varianta 3D a videoclipului a fost difuzata pentru prima oara integral la ceremonia de la Los Angeles.
Michael Jackson a fost premiat post-mortem pentru intreaga sa cariera. Prince si Paris Jackson, copii megastarului, au fost prezenti la ceremonie pentru a ridica statueta.
"Tata ar fi trebuit sa fie aici. Te iubim, tata. Le multumim fanilor, pe care tata i-a iubit cel mai mult. Mesajul cantecelor lui a fost dragostea si vrem sa il raspandim in continuare", au declarat cei doi.
Iata mai jos lista celor mai importante premii decernate ieri la cea de-a 52 editie a Premiilor Grammy:
Album Of The Year ("Fearless" - Taylor Swift)
Song Of The Year ("Single Ladies" - Beyonce)
Record Of The Year ("Use Somebody" - Kings Of Leon)
Best New Artist (Zac Brown Band)
Best Female Pop Vocal Performance ("Halo" - Beyonce)
Best Rock Album ("21st Century Breakdown" - Green Day)
Best Male Pop Vocal Performance ("Make It Mine" - Jason Mraz)
Best Pop Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocals ("I Gotta Feeling" - The Black Eyed Peas)
Best Pop Collaboration With Vocals (Lucky, Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat)
Best Pop Instrumental Performance (Throw Down Your Heart - Bela Fleck)
Best Pop Vocal Album ("The E.N.D." - The Black Eyed Peas)
Best Dance Recording ("Poker Face" - Lady Gaga)
Best Electronic/Dance Album ("The Fame" - Lady Gaga)
Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album ("Michael Buble Meets Madison Square Garden" - Michael Buble)
Best Solo Rock Vocal Performance ("Working On A Dream" - Bruce Springsteen)
Best Rock Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocals ("Use Somebody" - Kings Of Leon)
Best Hard Rock Performance ("War Machine"-AC/DC)
Best Metal Performance ("Dissident Aggressor" - Judas Priest)
Best Rock Song ("Use Somebody" - Kings Of Leon)
Best Rap/Sung Collaboration - ("Run This Town" - Jay-Z, Rihanna & Kanye West)
Best rap album ("Relapse" - Eminem)