"Mereu am avut o pornire incontrolabila sa inovez. Cand simt ca ceva devine previzibil, vreu sa-l schimb, sa-l innoiesc sau sa-l amestec cu ceva diferit."
Aceasta este atitudinea unuia dintre cei mai in voga producatori, remixeri si dj ai momentului. Pana acum, el a remixat productii ale unor nume sonore precum Public Enemy, Moby, Duran Duran, Faithless, Shiny Toy Guns si Nelly Furtado (si asta in afara zonei de trance unde este un remixer si producator cu mare rezonanta).
In fiecare saptamana, show-ul sau radio iti prezinta cate o piesa noua, impreuna cu melodiile sale preferate in momentul respectiv.
A lucrat cu Tiesto intr-un proiect comun, intitulat Gouryella. Cred ca deja ti-ai dat seama ca este vorba despre
Ferry Corsten, pe care il vei putea asculta intr-un super set anul acesta la Liberty Parade unde te va electriza cu cele mai "hot" piese trance ale momentului.
In continuare haide sa vedem ce parere are Ferry despre muzica, despre publicul din Romania, cum isi petrece timpul liber si cu cine i-a placut cel mai mult sa lucreze. Urmeaza interviul tradus in romana dupa care poti citi interviul original in engleza:
Esti foarte implicat in industria muzicala, fiind producator, dj si remixer. Dupa parerea ta, cum a evoluat muzica electronica de cand te-ai apuccat tu?
Chiar cred ca acum totul suna mult mai profesional. Mentalitatea de "cowboy/Vest salbatic" de la inceput a evoluat intr-una mai structurata, mai organizata. Productiile muzicale au devenit de o calitate atat de buna incat rivalizeaza cu cele din industria hip-hop sau pop. Pot spune acelasi lucru si despre evenimente.
Cu toate turneele, emisiunea radio, productiile si remixurile pe care le faci, mai ai timp liber? Si daca mai ai, cum alegi sa ti-l petreci?
Pentru mine, timpul liber este unul dintre cele mai rare lucruri. Dar incerc sa-mi fac atat de mult cat pot, pentru ca desi lucrurile mentionate de tine mai sus sunt foarte importante pentru mine, nimic nu este mai important decat sa fiu cu familia mea.
Stilul de muzica produs de Ferry Corsten, fie el trance sau dance are un feel aparte. Cum reusesti sa-ti pastrezi un sound specific mereu?
Mereu incerc sa duc lucrurile la limita, sa caut ceva ce n-am mai facut pana acum. Uneori rezultatele sunt cele mai scandaloase piese si idei.
Ce sfat ai da unui nou producator muzical?
Straduieste-te sa faci ceva diferit si crede in tine.
Ce artist crezi ca te-a influentat cel mai mult in productile tale muzicale?
Nu as vrea sa numesc un artist in mod deosebit intrucat am fost influentat mai mult de un anumit deceniu de muzica si este vorba despre anii 80. Atunci au fost produse niste melodii extraordinare de nume precum Vangelis, Kraftwerk, Afrika Bambaataa si inca multi altii.
Ai fost in Romania deja de cateva ori. Iti place aici? Iti place publicul?
Am mai fost in Romania de doua ori pana acum si m-am distrat foarte bine aici. Prima oara am fost in Bucuresti iar anul trecut am pus muzica la Creamfields in Constanta. Cred ca publicul roman da in mod cert dovada de pasiune la evenimente.
Ce parere ai de Liberty Parade? Cum te astepti sa fie anul acesta?
Am auzit ca este una dintre cele mai mari petreceri si ca este sustinuta de Vibe FM, unul dintre cele mai mari posturi de radio din Romania, care de asemenea imi difuzeaza emisiunea radio saptamanala, Corsten`s Countdown. Deci ar trebui sa fie fantastic!
La inceputul unui eveniment, deja stii ce piese urmeaza sa pui?
Am mereu cateva melodii pregatite de vreme ce in seturile mele pun multe melodii de la label-ul meu, Flashover Recordings impreuna cu multe creatii proprii. Dar intre acestea, imi aleg piesele in functie de reactia publicului si las loc pentru improvizatie.
Ai de gand sa "ridici" publicul de la Liberty Parade cu un set in care majoritatea melodiilor sa fie trance?
Imi inchipui ca probabil va fi un set mai trancy de vreme ce asa sunt majoritatea seturilor mele din ultimele luni, de la lansarea celui mai nou album al meu, Twice in a Blue Moon.
Ai de gand sa stai la plaja cateva ore inainte sau dupa Liberty Parade?
Daca orarul zborurilor imi permite, in mod sigur mi-ar placea sa ma bucur de "vibe"-ul local.
Cu cine ti-a placut pana acum cel mai mult sa lucrezi?
Mereu m-am simtit bine, lucrand cu Tiesto pentru Gouryella, iar colaborarea mea cu Howard Jones a fost una dintre cele mai bune. Dar cu Betsie Larkin am simtit ca exista acea chimie.
Daca ai lucra la o piesa crossbreed, cu ce artist de rock sau r`n`b ti-ar placea sa colaborezi?
Bono de la U2 in mod sigur.
Urmatorul tau single va fi de pe "Twice in a Blue Moon" sau ne vei surprine cu o piesa noua?
Tocmai am lansat al treilea single de pe "Twice in a Blue Moon", intitulat We Belong cu vocea deosebita a solistei Maria Nayler. Cel mai probabil, urmatorul single va fi tot de pe album?
Cum ti-ai descrie albumul Twice in a Blue Moon?
Pe scurt, cred ca acest album este o combinatie de melodii pe care le-as pune intr-un lung set de DJ. Am produs acest album dintr-un punct de vedere melodic, mai degraba decat din unul electro, asa cum am facut cu materialul anterior, "L.E.F.", la care am fost foarte inspirat de sound-ul electro. In prezent, trance-ul a evoluat atat de interesant incat a fost principala mea sursa de inspiratie pentru Twice in a Blue Moon.
Si acum interviul original:
You`re deeply implicated in the music business by being a producer, a dj, and a remixer. In your opinion, how has electronic music evolved since you started.
I really think it has become a lot more professional. The "cowboy / wild west" mentality from its early days has definitely evolved into a more structured / organized one. Music productions have become of such a high quality which rivals that of the hip-hop / pop industry. This goes as well for event productions.
With all the touring, radio show, production and remixing, do you get any free time? And if you do, how do you choose to spend it?
My free time is one of the rarest things in this world for me. But I try to create as much of it as I can, because although all that you mentioned above is very important to me - nothing beats the importance of being with my family.
The Ferry Corsten music style, be it dance or trance has a very distinctive feel. How is it that you manage to maintain a specific sound?
I always try to push things to the edge and look for something I have never done before. Sometimes this results in the most outrageous tracks and ideas.
What advice would you give to new music producers?
Strive to make a difference and believe in yourself.
What artist would you say influenced you the most in your musical productions?
I wouldn`t really want to name one particular artist, because it`s more a particular decade of music - which is the Eighties. Some amazing stuff was produced then by the likes of Vangelis, Kraftwerk, Afrika Bambaataa to name a few.
You have been in Romania for a few times now? Do you like it here? Did you enjoy the audience?
I`ve been in Romania twice before and I had a great time there. The first time was in Bucharest and last year I played at Creamfields in Constanta. I think the Romanian audience is definitely a passionate crowd to play for.
What do you think of Liberty Parade? What are your expectations for the show this year?
I`ve heard it`s one of the biggest parties in Romania and also supported by Vibe FM, one of Romania`s biggest radio stations which also broadcasts my own weekly radio show Corsten`s Countdown. So it should be amazing!
At the beginning of an event, do you have the tracks you intend to use for your set already in mind?
I will always have a few tracks in mind since I play a lot of stuff from my own label Flashover Recordings as well as a lot of my own productions, but in between I go with the crowd`s flow and leave room for improvisation.
Are you going to uplift the Romanian audience at Liberty Parade with a set consisting mainly of trance tracks?
I can only imagine that it will be more of a trancy set since that is what I`ve been playing again mainly over the last few months with the release of my latest album Twice In A Blue Moon.
Do you intend to stay at the beach for a few hours before or the day after Liberty Parade?
If my flight schedule allows it, I would definitely like to enjoy the local vibe.)
Who did you enjoy working with the most up until now?
I always had a great time working with Tiesto for Gouryella, my collaboration with Howard Jones was one of the smoothest ever. But with Betsie Larkin I really felt I had a connection.
If you were to work on a crossbreed track, what r`n`b or rock artist would you like to work with?
Bono from U2 for sure.
Will your new single be from Twice in a Blue Moon, or will you surprise us with a brand new track?
We have just released the third single of the TIABM album, called We Belong with stunning vocals of Maria Nayler. It will be most likely that the next single after this will be from the album as well.
How would you describe your album, "Twice in a Blue Moon"?
I think this artist album in a nutshell is a blend of tracks that I would play in a long DJ set. I produced this album from a melodic point of view rather than from an electro point of view like I did with my previous album "L.E.F", where I was very much inspired by the electro sound. Nowadays trance has progressed in such a cool way that this was my main source of inspiration for "Twice In A Blue Moon".
[Sursa: www.divercitycafe.ro]