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Forum > Seductie si sex > ce ar fi sa vorbim deschis despre BAIETI ,FETE, SEX & LOVE

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ce ar fi sa vorbim deschis despre BAIETI ,FETE, SEX & LOVE

scris pe 14 oct 2008 02:49 de simofoxy

Love is a magic and it will be always. Love still remains a sweet mystery in life. Love could make wonders in life and could change the life that none other could do. Love transforms the most common things of life into Beautiful, splendor, sweet and gracious. Love is kind, understanding and not selfish. Vision of Love is through heart but not from the mind. Love, itself a language which everyone could speak. Love is a pure magic and is a sweet mystery of life . Love is a magic and it will be always. Love still remains a sweet mystery in life. Love could make wonders in life and could change the life that none other could do. Love transforms the most common things of life into Beautiful, splendor, sweet and gracious. Love is kind, understanding and not selfish. Vision of Love is through heart but not from the mind. Love, itself a language which everyone could speak. Love is a pure magic and is a sweet mystery of life .

Editat de easycom pe 20 ian 2009 15:58

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2424 mesaje

Re: ce ar fi sa vorbim deschis despre BAIETI ,FETE, SEX & LOVE

scris pe 14 oct 2008 09:21 de easycom

"I love you, I love you more, no... I love you more, no... I love you even more..." and it goes on and on till my head explodes into a million pieces. Get a life... You don't even dare to know what love is, and it sure ain't a word you just say to get off HIS pants or HER mini-skirt (if she even has one). We tend to love so many times so many people and it is so interesting that in the end we all end up hating each other. "You said you loved me... you jerk!" "You said I was the love of your life... you whore!" Hey!! Were's all the love now? It went away, just like that, gone with the wind, Santa took it... or what? People.. come on, wake up... it's a nice feeling to know there is someone to hold, to think about, to kiss, and hell yeah... even have sex with, but that ain't love. You can't actually believe that's love. Love isn't a feeling, it's a lifetime commitment. Let's say I have a girlfriend I "love". I'm being honest with you... if Julia Roberts asks me out for a drink with even a 1% chance to get layed, I'm gonna go... you know why? I like my girlfriend really much, but I like Julia Roberts even more. Now, if I don't go... now that means I'm prepared to love, don't love yet, but I'm prepared. Love comes with time and understanding and it requires maturity in order to last. People say (I hope they do...) at the altar "I do" because they feel that they're gonna be able to love and cherish that person till death does them part. You'll find out "LOVE's" real meaning when you're maybe 70, and realize that you don't regret a single moment lived with the person next to you. You can only hope that the person next to you feels the same... and that's what love really is.

(personal blog-journal material by: easycom)


Re: ce ar fi sa vorbim deschis despre BAIETI ,FETE, SEX & LOVE

scris pe 25 dec 2008 16:30 de Guest

Love is a magic and it will be always. Love still remains a sweet mystery in life. Love could make wonders in life and could change the life that none other could do. Love transforms the most common things of life into Beautiful, splendor, sweet and gracious. Love is kind, understanding and not selfish. Vision of Love is through heart but not from the mind. Love, itself a language which everyone could speak. Love is a pure magic and is a sweet mystery of life . Love is a magic and it will be always. Love still remains a sweet mystery in life. Love could make wonders in life and could change the life that none other could do. Love transforms the most common things of life into Beautiful, splendor, sweet and gracious. Love is kind, understanding and not selfish. Vision of Love is through heart but not from the mind. Love, itself a language which everyone could speak. Love is a pure magic and is a sweet mystery of life .

Editat de easycom pe 25 dec 2008 16:33

Veteran member
441 mesaje

Re: ce ar fi sa vorbim deschis despre BAIETI ,FETE, SEX & LOVE

scris pe 31 dec 2008 20:39 de mariusntoader

Love's all around !...
What do you wanna know about this hot stuff...?
(Dj Tom)

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991 mesaje

Re: ce ar fi sa vorbim deschis despre BAIETI ,FETE, SEX & LOVE

scris pe 5 ian 2009 19:13 de newfannny

Love's all around !...
What do you wanna know about this hot stuff...?
(Dj Tom)

wooooooow ce s-a ajuns de siteul asta pfai mai poza un pic mai cenzurata e mai bn asa pt k intra si copii sub 18 ani

Editat de easycom pe 20 ian 2009 15:59

Expert member
2424 mesaje

Re: ce ar fi sa vorbim deschis despre BAIETI ,FETE, SEX & LOVE

scris pe 20 ian 2009 16:00 de easycom

wooooooow ce s-a ajuns de siteul asta pfai mai poza un pic mai cenzurata e mai bn asa pt k intra si copii sub 18 ani

Nah, ti-am rezolvat "problema".

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1067 mesaje

Re: ce ar fi sa vorbim deschis despre BAIETI ,FETE, SEX & LOVE

scris pe 22 feb 2009 21:57 de 8silverwings

Love is not really a pure mistery of life. It's just another sweet lie fabricated by our dear brains. Just as divinity, it's a sheer example of what human beings need to face a cruel existence/joke.

That does not mean I reject the feeling just because it's scientifically explained.

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2424 mesaje

Re: ce ar fi sa vorbim deschis despre BAIETI ,FETE, SEX & LOVE

scris pe 22 feb 2009 23:47 de easycom

Love is not really a pure mistery of life. It's just another sweet lie fabricated by our dear brains. Just as divinity, it's a sheer example of what human beings need to face a cruel existence/joke.

That does not mean I reject the feeling just because it's scientifically explained.

Scientifically explained, ha...? Well, scientifically explained we come from monkeys and we use less than 25% of our brain, so... in a nutshell we're really really dum. So...science being invented by humans... how can some really really dum people explain love?

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991 mesaje

Re: ce ar fi sa vorbim deschis despre BAIETI ,FETE, SEX & LOVE

scris pe 5 mar 2009 00:00 de newfannny


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2424 mesaje

Re: ce ar fi sa vorbim deschis despre BAIETI ,FETE, SEX & LOVE

scris pe 5 mar 2009 01:50 de easycom


Since when...? As far as i remember, you said you don't believe in love... So..? What's the catch?

Expert member
991 mesaje

Re: ce ar fi sa vorbim deschis despre BAIETI ,FETE, SEX & LOVE

scris pe 5 mar 2009 01:56 de newfannny

Since when...? As far as i remember, you said you don't believe in love... So..? What's the catch?

yes i said that but i thing whan day i meet the perfect gay for me
i hope that

Expert member
2424 mesaje

Re: ce ar fi sa vorbim deschis despre BAIETI ,FETE, SEX & LOVE

scris pe 5 mar 2009 02:00 de easycom

yes i said that but i thing whan day i meet the perfect gay for me
i hope that

Hope... is a very good word... It means life.

Veteran member
250 mesaje

Re: ce ar fi sa vorbim deschis despre BAIETI ,FETE, SEX & LOVE

scris pe 5 mar 2009 14:54 de Stelista_stelista

Hope... is a very good word... It means life.

Yes. But hopes mean broken dreams. Broked life.. is all in van. Just hoping do not help. YOu must DO something. :-j but this something, sometimes is so hard to do

Expert member
849 mesaje

Re: ce ar fi sa vorbim deschis despre BAIETI ,FETE, SEX & LOVE

scris pe 5 mar 2009 16:35 de nicol1973

but if you do not, nobody to do for you. your life is in your hands.

Veteran member
250 mesaje

Re: ce ar fi sa vorbim deschis despre BAIETI ,FETE, SEX & LOVE

scris pe 5 mar 2009 16:39 de Stelista_stelista

but if you do not, nobody to do for you. your life is in your hands.

Indeed. But sometimes this "to do" depende of somebody else.. but now is not about love.. or better is not about loving a boy.. 8-| is about loving a football team..

Expert member
849 mesaje

Re: ce ar fi sa vorbim deschis despre BAIETI ,FETE, SEX & LOVE

scris pe 5 mar 2009 16:44 de nicol1973

Indeed. But sometimes this "to do" depende of somebody else.. but now is not about love.. or better is not about loving a boy.. 8-| is about loving a football team..

Well if you go with someone that your mother trusts?
we're talking about it now, right?

Veteran member
250 mesaje

Re: ce ar fi sa vorbim deschis despre BAIETI ,FETE, SEX & LOVE

scris pe 5 mar 2009 16:51 de Stelista_stelista

Well if you go with someone that your mother trusts?
we're talking about it now, right?

I can't. She is:| .. I'll run away if i have to.. but i'm going on brasov

Expert member
849 mesaje

Re: ce ar fi sa vorbim deschis despre BAIETI ,FETE, SEX & LOVE

scris pe 5 mar 2009 16:55 de nicol1973

nop......not worth the sacrifice. honest

Veteran member
250 mesaje

Re: ce ar fi sa vorbim deschis despre BAIETI ,FETE, SEX & LOVE

scris pe 5 mar 2009 16:58 de Stelista_stelista

nop......not worth the sacrifice. honest

Yes it do. Steaua for me is like air.. like GOD..

Expert member
849 mesaje

Re: ce ar fi sa vorbim deschis despre BAIETI ,FETE, SEX & LOVE

scris pe 5 mar 2009 17:02 de nicol1973

then good luck to you

Veteran member
250 mesaje

Re: ce ar fi sa vorbim deschis despre BAIETI ,FETE, SEX & LOVE

scris pe 5 mar 2009 17:09 de Stelista_stelista

then good luck to you

Thank you. I'm going crazy:| i started to write liricks for Steaua.


Re: ce ar fi sa vorbim deschis despre BAIETI ,FETE, SEX & LOVE

scris pe 5 mar 2009 19:05 de Guest

Thank you. I'm going crazy:| i started to write liricks for Steaua.

Expert member
2424 mesaje

Re: ce ar fi sa vorbim deschis despre BAIETI ,FETE, SEX & LOVE

scris pe 5 mar 2009 20:13 de easycom

Ok.. It's official. This is my favourite topic, for the simple fact that i can write/speak english here. I freakin' love it... I don't know how this topic became english in the first place, but it's the best thing that ever happened and i aint gonna change that.

Expert member
2137 mesaje

scuze de deranj

scris pe 6 mar 2009 21:32 de 2peu

dc e asta deschis la timp liber si nu la seductie si sex??????

Expert member
849 mesaje

Re: scuze de deranj

scris pe 9 mar 2009 16:22 de nicol1973

dc e asta deschis la timp liber si nu la seductie si sex??????

de....... who cares?

Senior member
90 mesaje

Re: scuze de deranj

scris pe 9 mar 2009 16:33 de ttiaiuli


Din primaveri ce vor veni , din flori de mai si ghiocei ,
O sa-ti infaptuiesc iubit-o cele mai dulci si dalbe vreri .
Iti voi asterne la picioare un suflet cald , doi ochi caprui
Si inima ce-n piept imi bate doar pentru tine-as vrea sa stii .

Iti voi sopti in seri de vara ce dor mi-a fost sa te cuprind
Si cum n-am sa mai las vreodata sa stea-ntre noi vreun mare zid .
Si iti voi darui petale de ale mele lacrimi ude ,
Sa-ti spuna ele ca iubirea nu imi va mai pleca niciunde .

Voi sta cu tine-n gand mereu , voi fi prezent in preajma ta
Ca sa te-nvalui cu iubirea ce creste in inima mea .
Si iti voi cumpara iubit-o parfumul serilor de mai
Ca sa-ti miros si urma care , o lasi din parul tau balai .

Iti voi aduce-n dar si-o stea , ce poarta-n ea inima mea
Si ti-o voi aseza in piept sa stea langa inima ta
Si sa le simti tu impreuna , asa cum imi doresc mereu
Sa fii a mea intru vecie iar eu sa fiu numai al tau .

-de la mine pentru voi-

Expert member
1439 mesaje

Let's talk'bout BOYS,GIRLS,SEX & LOVE

scris pe 10 mar 2009 01:01 de DjTom

"I love you, I love you more, no... I love you more, no... I love you even more..." and it goes on and on till my head explodes into a million pieces. Get a life... You don't even dare to know what love is, and it sure ain't a word you just say to get off HIS pants or HER mini-skirt (if she even has one). We tend to love so many times so many people and it is so interesting that in the end we all end up hating each other. "You said you loved me... you jerk!" "You said I was the love of your life... you whore!" Hey!! Were's all the love now? It went away, just like that, gone with the wind, Santa took it... or what? People.. come on, wake up... it's a nice feeling to know there is someone to hold, to think about, to kiss, and hell yeah... even have sex with, but that ain't love. You can't actually believe that's love. Love isn't a feeling, it's a lifetime commitment. Let's say I have a girlfriend I "love". I'm being honest with you... if Julia Roberts asks me out for a drink with even a 1% chance to get layed, I'm gonna go... you know why? I like my girlfriend really much, but I like Julia Roberts even more. Now, if I don't go... now that means I'm prepared to love, don't love yet, but I'm prepared. Love comes with time and understanding and it requires maturity in order to last. People say (I hope they do...) at the altar "I do" because they feel that they're gonna be able to love and cherish that person till death does them part. You'll find out "LOVE's" real meaning when you're maybe 70, and realize that you don't regret a single moment lived with the person next to you. You can only hope that the person next to you feels the same... and that's what love really is.

(personal blog-journal material by: easycom)

Leo Sayer - I Love You More Than I Can Say

Expert member
1439 mesaje

Let's talk'bout BOYS,GIRLS,SEX & LOVE

scris pe 10 mar 2009 01:08 de DjTom

Love is a magic and it will be always. Love still remains a sweet mystery in life. Love could make wonders in life and could change the life that none other could do. Love transforms the most common things of life into Beautiful, splendor, sweet and gracious. Love is kind, understanding and not selfish. Vision of Love is through heart but not from the mind. Love, itself a language which everyone could speak. Love is a pure magic and is a sweet mystery of life . Love is a magic and it will be always. Love still remains a sweet mystery in life. Love could make wonders in life and could change the life that none other could do. Love transforms the most common things of life into Beautiful, splendor, sweet and gracious. Love is kind, understanding and not selfish. Vision of Love is through heart but not from the mind. Love, itself a language which everyone could speak. Love is a pure magic and is a sweet mystery of life .

Human - The Killers !

Expert member
1439 mesaje

Sex,drugs & R'N'Roll !?

scris pe 10 mar 2009 01:27 de DjTom

Salt'N'Pepa - Let's Talk About Sex ...

Editat de DjTom pe 10 mar 2009 01:29
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