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Forum > Muzica romaneasca > Guess Who-Locul Potrivit (Gojira RMX) !!

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213 mesaje

Guess Who-Locul Potrivit (Gojira RMX) !!

scris pe 3 feb 2010 12:43 de AlexV2

mega remix de la domnul GOJIRA de la Tandarei, poate mai invata si "muzicienii" de pe aici cate ceva, check it:


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Re: Guess Who-Locul Potrivit (Gojira RMX) !!

scris pe 3 feb 2010 16:58 de nicol1973

mega remix de la domnul GOJIRA de la Tandarei, poate mai invata si "muzicienii" de pe aici cate ceva, check it:


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you check it this: http://maniere.go.ro/maniere.html and http://maniere.go.ro/conversatie.html.

Veteran member
213 mesaje

Re: Guess Who-Locul Potrivit (Gojira RMX) !!

scris pe 3 feb 2010 17:21 de AlexV2

I check it, I find it boring...Maybe you check it this:
Era tintita spre sectiunea studio expresia
Anywayz stay on topic & give opinions not onions

Editat de AlexV2 pe 3 feb 2010 17:24

Expert member
849 mesaje

Re: Guess Who-Locul Potrivit (Gojira RMX) !!

scris pe 4 feb 2010 08:36 de nicol1973

A thousand thanks, your lessons proved to be very useful to me, shame that this isn't true the other way around.
Now seriously talking, even risking to confirm Wilde's saying, how the hell was I supposed to know that you like hot peppers.
I make no politics on this forum, but I'd ask you not to be so grumpy with the rest of us. You could really try it, it's not such a big deal.

Expert member
2424 mesaje

Re: Guess Who-Locul Potrivit (Gojira RMX) !!

scris pe 4 feb 2010 10:46 de easycom

A thousand thanks, your lessons proved to be very useful to me, shame that this isn't true the other way around.
Now seriously talking, even risking to confirm Wilde's saying, how the hell was I supposed to know that you like hot peppers.
I make no politics on this forum, but I'd ask you not to be so grumpy with the rest of us. You could really try it, it's not such a big deal.

She does have a point... Eu ti-am mai spus Alex, lasa pumnii de Hulk si bilele in pace. This ain't the place for tough love.

Si-acum cu totii back la topic... Pe bune!

Junior member
34 mesaje

Re: Guess Who-Locul Potrivit (Gojira RMX) !!

scris pe 17 feb 2010 15:50 de silvius_tec07

Reusit remix, dar totusi nu se compara cu originalul. Noroc si, la mai multa muzica buna!
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