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Forum > Games and stuff > WOW FREAKZ 3.3.5a

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1 mesaje


scris pe 13 apr 2011 08:19 de Vennuswtf

WOW FREAKZ 3.3.5a RO-ENG server

Page : http://wow.freakz.ro/register.php?inviter=18757

Total players online: 1836 (Max: 3718)

Poor = 5x
Normal = 15x
Uncommon = 20x
Rare = 30x
Epic = 2x
Legendary = 1x
Artifact = 1x

Drop.Money = 20x
XP.Kill = 20x
XP.Quest = 20x
XP.Explore = 2x
Honor = 1x
Reputation.Gain = 30x
InstanceResetTime = 1x
Crafting = 2x
Gathering = 2x

NEW : WoW Database that includes

Item Finder - Shows from where you can get a specific item
NPC Finder - Shows the exact location on the map of any NPC ingame, plus detailed info about it
Object Finder New! - Shows the exact location on the map of any object ingame
Spells - Shows spells basic info and comprehensive mechanics
Quest Helper - Shows where to start/end a quest and what quest chains need to be done


Raids :

ICECROWN CITADEL - on [all mods]
RUBY SANCTUM - on [all mods]
TRIAL OF THE CRUSADER - on [all mods]
ULDUAR - on [all mods]

WoW Freakz is the biggest romanian private server with thousands of online players, proving our supremacy in world of warcraft tops.

The difference between us and any oher random server is simple: we KNOW what we are doing and we KNOW what the player WANTS. Bugs/problems are solved extremely professional, depending on their priority. Those with high/critical priority are usually solved in a matter of minutes/hours, thus players have the best gameplay all the time.

As proof, we would like you to check or server fixes list. As you can see bugs are solved constantly, scripts get better every day, the serer being in a continuous evolution.

Page : http://wow.freakz.ro/register.php?inviter=18757
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