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Forum > Games and stuff > Servere World of Warcraft

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1069 mesaje

Re: Intrati acum pe WoWOptimus - Srv Romanesc

scris pe 18 ian 2010 10:15 de Puggy

Mesaj mutat de pe aria Timp liber

Scris pe 18 ian 2010, 02:55, de nosadromu

Aviz amatorilor de mmorpg-uri, va aduc la cunostinta ca tocmai am descoperit un server privat, ce-i drept de Worlf of Warcraft, care se ridica (nu ca celelalte) la standarde apropiate de retail, mai mult sau mai putin.

Server dedicat, 80% scripts (quests, spells instante)

Va invit sa vedeti diferenta

Editat de Puggy pe 18 ian 2010 10:15

1 mesaje


scris pe 22 mar 2010 22:14 de vikos

WoW XtremeZone 3.3.2
Romanian Server

-No lag
-Instant level 80
-PVP & PVE Server
-Max Professions 4
-Nice players, nice GameMasters

-2 Malls :-Aliance ->Stormwind City
-Horde -> Silvermoon City

set realmlist wow.xtremezone.ro

Please Join Us And Vote For Us :


Editat de vikos pe 22 mar 2010 22:15

1 mesaje

Followers of Burning Heroes(3.3.3a) - World of Warcraft Private Server (Intrati acum!)

scris pe 22 mai 2010 20:35 de Darkrevange

Server name: Followers of Burning Heroes
Server version: 3.3.3a
Realm DNS : wow.fbh.ro
Site : http://www.wow.fbh.ro
Site :http://www.wow.fbh.ro/forum
Create account page : http://www.wow.fbh.ro/site/index.php?n=account&sub=register

-------------------------------Server Rate's-----------------------------------------------------
Health Recovery Rate 1 x BlizzLike
Mana Recovery Rate 1 x BlizzLike
Rage Increase Rate 1 x BlizzLike
Rage Decrease Rate 1 x BlizzLike
Item Drop Rate Poor 20 x BlizzLike
Item Drop Rate Normal 20 x BlizzLike
Item Drop Rate Uncommon 20 x BlizzLike
Item Drop Rate Rare 20 x BlizzLike
Item Drop Rate Epic 5 x BlizzLike
Item Drop Rate Legendary 5 x BlizzLike
Item Drop Rate Artifact 5 x BlizzLike
Item Drop Rate Referenced 20 x BlizzLike
Money Drop Rate 20 x BlizzLike
Experience Rate from Kills 20 x BlizzLike
Experience Rate from Quests 30 x BlizzLike
Experience Rate from Exploration 20 x BlizzLike
Damage from Normal Creatures 1 x BlizzLike
Damage from Elites 1 x BlizzLike
Damage from Rare Elites 1 x BlizzLike
Damage from World Bosses 1 x BlizzLike
Damage from Rare Mobs 1 x BlizzLike
HP of Normal Creatures 1 x BlizzLike
HP of Elites 1 x BlizzLike
HP of Rare Elites 1 x BlizzLike
HP of World Bosses 1 x BlizzLike
HP of Rare Mobs 1 x BlizzLike
Rest Exp Growth Rate In-game 1 x BlizzLike
Rest Exp Growth Rate at Cities/Inns 1 x BlizzLike
Rest Exp Growth Rate in Wilderness 1 x BlizzLike
Talent Points Gain 1 x BlizzLike

-------------------------------Server Info-----------------------------------------------------
- TrinityCore Emulator
- Working DK's
- Working Battlegrounds
- Working vehicles
- 94% working quests
- 96% working spells
- All 3.3.0 and 3.3.2 items
- Working Mail system
- ICC fully spawned (most)
- Most instances are spawned
- over 60 instances are scripted


Ratele serverului vor fi scazute la x1(BlizzLike) dupa ce serverul va fi cat de cat populat.
Serverul este de curand deschis, proectul este serios.
Astept pareri si sugestii.

Va asteptam!

set realmlist wow.fbh.ro

Editat de Darkrevange pe 22 mai 2010 20:37

1 mesaje

Re: Intrati acum pe WoWOptimus - Srv Romanesc

scris pe 31 mai 2010 20:04 de wowsoul

[color=red]WOW SOUL 3.3.3[/color]

[color=red]Server Details: First Realm "Lost Soul"[/color]
::Instant lvl 80:
.::You will start with 10k gold:
.::100% Working Battlegrounds:
.::100% working Vehicles:
.::100% Arenas!:
.::Custom items for arena points:
.::Mostly All Spells Work ( we do not give a % of them becouse we cant number all of them):
.::Free tier 9 and S7:
.::All 3.3.3a items!:
.::Tier 10.5 heroic for honor:
.::Arena season 8 for honor:
.::Custom C++ Teleporter:
.::Anti-cheat system:
.::Running on a 2 dedicated hosts:
.::Line of sight and map height:
.::And many other things, you will see only if you join

[color=red]Core Host Details:[/color]
.::Intel 2 Xeon:
.::18 GB DDR3 ECC:
.::6 x 1 TB GB RAID HDD:
.::100 mbit/s UP/DOWN:
.::8 x Procesors 6000+:

[color=red]Data BaseHost Details:[/color]
.::Intel 2 Xeon:
.::16 GB DDR3 ECC:
.::100 mbit/s UP/DOWN:
.::4 x Procesors 6000+:

[color=red]Speed Test[/color]


Website : http://www.wowsouls.com
Account : http://www.wowsouls.com/index.php?n=account⊂=registerClick

For more details add: [email]wow.souls@ymail.com[/email]

We are currently looking for a C++ scriptor for Trinity and a web developer.

Editat de wowsoul pe 31 mai 2010 20:05

1 mesaje

Re: Intrati acum pe WoWOptimus - Srv Romanesc

scris pe 11 iul 2010 23:19 de brunetuxxx

Editat de brunetuxxx pe 11 iul 2010 23:23

1 mesaje


scris pe 29 oct 2010 20:58 de darkmyhay

RoWoW este un server care s-a format acum 1 an si jumatate cu scopul de a aduna o comunitate frumoasa si placuta. De-a lungul acestui an am incercat sa aducem playerilor dsitractie , respect si o atmosfera cat mai placuta prin eventurile saptamanale/lunare care s-au tinut.
Alaturati-va si voi comunitatii noastre si aveti sansa de a castiga pe urma eventului Arena Gladiators 2v2 – 100 euro sau la Arena Gladiators 3v3 – 150 euro.

Ro WoW - Home

Versiune: 3.3.5a
Realmlist: realm.rowow.com
New account : http://account.rowow.com/
Rates: 10x
Wintergrasp ON
# Random Battleground
# Icecrown Citadel
# Forge of Souls
# Pit of Saron
# Halls of Reflection
# Vault of Archavon
# Trial of the Crusader
# Trial of the Champion
# Ulduar
# Onyxia
# Armor Penetration 100% working
# Resilience 100% working

Server-ul este unul foarte bun si va rog sa il incercati pentru ca nu aveti ce pierde.

2 mesaje

Re: Servere World of Warcraft

scris pe 2 nov 2010 09:13 de ptnet

stie cineva,va rog mult!inebunesc daca nu joc

Help me pls!!!

S-a modificat numele firului

New Server Open World Of Warcraft Blizzlike

OpenWow, Realmlist wow.openhost.ro
Register http://wow.openhost.ro/index.php?n=account&sub=register

Rate server Rullz


Drop rates:
Poor Items = 1 x Blizzlike
Normal Items = 1 x Blizzlike
Uncommon Items = 1 x Blizzlike
Rare Items = 1 x Blizzlike
Epic Items = 1 x Blizzlike
Legendary Items = 1 x Blizzlike
Artifact Items = 1 x Blizzlike
Referenced Items = 1 x Blizzlike
Money = 1 x Blizzlike


Experience rates:
Kill = 1 x Blizzlike
Quest = 1 x Blizzlike
Explore = 1 x Blizzlike


Resting Rates:
City or Tavern = 1 x Blizzlike
In Game = 1 x Blizzlike
In wilderness = 1 x Blizzlike

Working 99,99%, ICC/Ulduar and all dungeons scripted, friendly gm's...vote system reward, AH Bot WORKING!!! Maze Event !!!


2 mesaje

Re: Servere World of Warcraft

scris pe 12 nov 2010 09:42 de anahir

[color=red]Este cel mai bun server de wow din romania[/color]
Fcetiva cont merita este un server de romani cu peste 1800 ppl online
fara buguri,fara disconecturi,fara lag merg toate isntantele icc deschis

2 mesaje

Re: Servere World of Warcraft

scris pe 4 feb 2011 16:29 de addagio


Poor = 5x
Normal = 15x
Uncommon = 20x
Rare = 30x
Epic = 2x
Legendary = 1x
Artifact = 1x

Drop.Money = 20x
XP.Kill = 20x
XP.Quest = 20x
XP.Explore = 2x
Honor = 1x
Reputation.Gain = 30x
InstanceResetTime = 1x
Crafting = 2x
Gathering = 2x

98% working PvP / PvE
98% uptime
No lag
Multe Fixuri la fiecare 2-3 zile
No donor gear
Adminul este DEV la Trinity
Friendly & Pro GM's
Daily Events
Customizable Rates
NPC/Item Finder care citeste direct din DB
Quest Helper care citeste direct din DB
Ghiduri utile facute de playeri experimentati
Semnaturi pentru forum cu caracterul dorit

2 mesaje

Re: nush

scris pe 4 feb 2011 16:30 de addagio

nush si yo vreau sa joc era un site:
http://www.wowstatus.net/ da nush dc nu mere acum


1 mesaje


scris pe 5 feb 2011 10:12 de calugaru

WoW-Hazzard is not dead ! Now it runs under the name of StarFall-WoW.
World of Warcraft private server StarFaLL-WoW was born from the ashes of WoW-Hazzard, due to fights between hoster and administration team of WoW-Hazzard, we (StarFall-WoW Staff) decided it is better for all to separate from each other.
At the moment StarFaLL-WoW is running on DataBase from Hazzard, that means NO WIPE HAS BEEN DONE and all characters and accounts are intact.
We are just hopping Hazzard's population will return here, forming the community that was before.
Also we are trying to redeem the old Hazzard by adding again free custom items and custom questline.

set realmlist logon.starfall-wow.com:243

Game Version:
World of Warcraft TBC 2.4.3

Server Information:
- Instant level 70
- Malls for both factions
- Hosted on dedicated server
- Lag free
- Custom items
- Custom questline
- Friendly Staff
- World PvP
- Daily events
- Own core development, based on TC

Useful Links:
Site - http://www.starfall-wow.com/
Forum - http://forums.starfall-wow.com/
Register - http://www.starfall-wow.com/register.php

We are waiting for you !

1 mesaje


scris pe 10 feb 2011 15:12 de Sickorun

[url=http://www.sicko.ro/]Best Romanian WOTLK server: Sicko[/url]
High Rates
Icecrown citadel 99% scripted
Toate talentele merg, Random dungeon Finder, Random battleground de asemenea
Join Us if you dare

1 mesaje

Re: Servere World of Warcraft

scris pe 20 feb 2011 11:59 de dnk

stie cineva,va rog mult!inebunesc daca nu joc

Help me pls!!!

S-a modificat numele firului

New MQ Wotlf server 3.3.5a
Looking for staff and players
Set realmlist logon.mq-community.ro

Haideti online sa ne inmultim..
Cu cat stam mai multi on cu atat mai multi o sa vina
Sau inceput eventurile si recrutarile de gm
Intrati rpd rpd

1 mesaje

Re: Servere World of Warcraft

scris pe 12 iun 2011 14:35 de outsider

-server blizzlike 100%
-xp rate 1x fara instant 80 sau xp rate 20x,pt ca se respecta regulile blizz
-patch wotlk 3.3.5
-gm ok dispusi sa te ajute dar fara sa favorizeze nici un jucator
-nu sunt acceptate hackuri sau boti
-se vorbeste engleza
-vreau sa infiintez o guilda de romani pentru raiduri si pvp,ma gasiti pe server -outsider-undead mage-80
-daca va place adevarata experienta blizzlike va astept pe server

Editat de outsider pe 12 iun 2011 14:39

1 mesaje

Re: Servere World of Warcraft

scris pe 4 mar 2012 15:06 de reptilet

[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="2"]Join [url=http://wow-echonet.com/site/]Echo-Net[/url] New Blizzlike Romanian Server with custom rates(1-5x) 3.3.5a.
-No Lag
-Amazing uptime (Record 6 weeks)
-Working Arenas
-Working Battlegrounds
- 98% Functionally Spells
-Great Community formed by people all over the world.
-Medium population
-Character Transfer is available.You can transfer your character from others blizzlike Private Servers.
-No Wipe!
-PvP & PvE Events.
-[url=http://www.wow-echonet.com/site/?p=register]Create account[/url]
-Realmlist : set realmlist logon.wow-echonet.com[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[color=#C41F3B]Death Knight working 99%[/color]
[color=#FF7D0A]Druid working 98%[/color]
[color=#ABD473]Hunter working 99%[/color]
[color=#69CCF0]Mage working 98%[/color]
[color=#F58CBA]Paladin working 98%[/color]
[color=#FFFFFF]Priest working 99%[/color]
[color=#FFF569]Rogue working 98%[/color]
[color=#0070DE]Shaman working 100%[/color]
[color=#9482C9]Warlock working 99% [/color]
[color=#C79C6E]Warrior working 99%[/color]

[size=5][color=#3399CC]BATTLEGROUNDS and ARENAS:[/color]
[/size][color=#339999]Random Battleground is available
Warsong Gulch is available
Arathi Basin is available
Eye of the Storm is available
Alterac Valley is available
Strand of the Ancients is available.
Isle of Conquest is available.
Blade's Edge Arena is available.
Nagrand Arena is available.
Ruins of Lordaeron is available.
Wintergrasp is available.
[color=#99CCFF]Icecrown Citadel is available:
Lord Marrowgar
Lady Deathwhisper
Deathbringer Saurfang
Professor Putricide
Blood Prince Council
Blood-Queen Lana'thel
Valithria Dreamwalker
The Lich King

Vault of Archavon is available:
Archavon the Stone Watcher
Emalon the Storm Watcher
Koralon the Flame Watcher
Toravon the Ice Watcher

Trial of the Grand Crusader is available:
Northrend Beasts
Lord Jaraxxus
Faction Champions
Fjola & Eydis

Ulduar is available:
Flame Leviathan
Ignis the Furnace Master
XT-002 Deconstructor
Assembly of Iron

Naxxramas is available:
Grand Widow Faerlina
Noth the Plaguebringer
Heigan the Unclean
Instructor Razuvious
Gothik the Harvester
The Four Horsemen

Violet hold.
Utgarde Keep.
Utgarde Pinnacle.
Halls of Stone.
Halls of Lightning.
Ahn'kahet the old kingdom.
Pit of Saron.
Halls of Reflection.
Forge of souls.
Drak'tharon keep.
Cullings of Stratholme.

1 mesaje

Re: Servere World of Warcraft

scris pe 27 iun 2013 08:27 de brunetux

eu joc pe cel mai bun server de TBC 2.4.3 Foarte Fun ! are Vendori, teleporter, raidurile merg perfect, se fac eventuri !

1 mesaje

Re: Servere World of Warcraft

scris pe 9 feb 2015 10:03 de pCpaLex

Storm-Wow , este un proiect de lunga durata cu un scop sigur si precis . Dorim ca acest server de World of Warcraft sa ajunga cat mai sus .

Info Server:


Kill rate: 20x
Quest rate: 20x
Money rate: 10x
Honor rate: 2x
Crafting rate: 2x
Gathering rate: 2x
Reputation rate: 20x

Uncommon items: 10x
Rare items: 50x

Misc Features:

Transmogrifier - Available
Warden Server Guard - Implemented
Blizzlike Pathing - Implemented
Blizzlike Line of Sight - Implemented
Blizzlike Ore Spawns - Implemented
Teleport Hub (Website) - Available
Character Tools (Website) - Available
Recruit a Friend System (Website) - Available
Armory (Website) - Available
Online Store (Website) - Available

Mai multe informati gasiti aici : http://storm-wow.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=46
Creare cont : http://storm-wow.com/register?r=116

Editat de pCpaLex pe 9 feb 2015 10:03
Pagina: 1 2 inapoi

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