Forum > Games and stuff > RedzMax RPG - Let the gammeddon begin! |
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RedzMax RPG - Let the gammeddon begin!
scris pe 8 mai 2014 11:35 de Just4Game
Joaca si tu pe unul dintre cele mai bune server de SA:MP din Romania. are zeci de sisteme unice, un staff active si competent, playeri civilizati, un gamemod extrem de bun intr-o continua dezvoltare, alaturi de multe factiuni cum ar fi:
-Familia 15Th Avenue
-Familia Sacra Corona Unita
-Familia Falcone
-Familia Orleans Crime
-Police Departament
-National Guard
-Federal Beureau of Investigations
-Taxi Cab Company
-Tow Car Company
-Hitman Agency
-News Reporters
-School Instructors
HostName: (0.3z)RedzMax RPG - Let the gammeddon begin!
Players: 218 / 400
Ping: 9
Mode: RZM:RP v0.8.3
Map: San Andreas
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