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Forum > Aberatii > The Black Poetry

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5 mesaje

The Black Poetry

scris pe 15 nov 2005 18:03 de FILTH

1. Sfintit cu roua suferintii

Cand lumea se preschinba-ntr-o umeda-nchisoare
In care-n van speranta, biet lilac se zbate
Lovindu-se de ziduri, cu-aripi sovaitore
Si dand mereu cu capu-n tavanele surpate...

Deodata, manioase, prind clopote sa bata
Si catre cer urla-ngrozitoare
Si lungi si nesfirsite convoaie mortuare
Incet si fara muzici prin suflet trec mereu...

M-ati sfintit cu roua suferintii!
Si mi-ati pus venin in sange!
Iar speranta-nvinsa plange
In sufletul meu!
Si muta-i-gura-dulce a altor vremi
Caci timpul creste mare-n urma mea
Iar eu ma-ntunec!

E-o ora grea si mare
Aripile-mi negre in ceruri se-ntind
Astfel lumea amuteste la alunecari solare
Astfel lumea amuteste vulcanii cand s-aprind...

Si cand prin ale vietii vise,cu ostiri de foc apare
A mortii umbra slaba cu coasa si topor
Taceti cum tac in spaima crestinii din popor
Cind ziua se sfarseste si dumnezeii mor!

Se mistuie-n moarte si durere
Vapaia care-n mine a stralucit
Ciudata-i intristarea ce creste ca si marea
Pe-un tarm stancos, pustiu...

Peste flacari, peste fumuri, pe cadavre descarnate
Pe campii deserte, pe altare profanate
Vino, s-asezi pe ele tronul tau de oseminte
Inalta-te in culmea fumegandelor morminte!
Caci eu nu ma las inrobit de tine,

ce parere aveti?

Expert member
803 mesaje

Re: The Black Poetry

scris pe 15 nov 2005 18:50 de DezOrg

Binisor dar nu as putea sa o cataloghez chiar la poezie neagra, adica se poate si mai bine (sau mai rau, mai negru), sper sa mai scrii.

Expert member
2137 mesaje

Re: Re: The Black Poetry

scris pe 15 nov 2005 19:28 de 2peu

... genu d poezie care imi place mult... poate prea mult... ok niste versuri m-au dus cu gandu la Lucifer... alte versuri m-au dus cu gandu chiar la mine... si niste versuri mi-au amintit d un bun prieten... da... nu intelegi nimic din c am scris... ei bine... e marfa poezia ... mai vreau!! ... bafta !

Expert member
803 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: The Black Poetry

scris pe 15 nov 2005 20:23 de DezOrg

ceva relativ 'negru', are si versuri albe dar nu exista nimic perfect.. poate data viitoare

Astept cu nerabdare noaptea
Nu imi place soarele si viata
Doar noaptea tendoanele imi pocnesc
Masele imi plesnesc
Vreau sa ucid si sa schingiuesc
Mila vad cum paraseste finta
Acuma inima adrenalina pompeaza
Nu mai vreau sa fiu in staza
Cu cutitul as ucide ceva
Cu toporul as despica pe cineva
Faceti-mi loc la masa
Sa demonstrez uciderea in masa
Genocid sau eliberare
Depinde de modul de administrare
Sangele nu curge in van
Il colectez sa imi pictez pe tavan
Imaginea placuta provoaca voma
De te prind vei deveni icoana
Pictata pe tavan la mine
Ce zici ? Te tine ?

Expert member
2137 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: The Black Poetry

scris pe 16 nov 2005 10:28 de 2peu

ceva relativ 'negru', are si versuri albe dar nu exista nimic perfect.. poate data viitoare

Astept cu nerabdare noaptea
Nu imi place soarele si viata
Doar noaptea tendoanele imi pocnesc
Masele imi plesnesc
Vreau sa ucid si sa schingiuesc
Mila vad cum paraseste finta
Acuma inima adrenalina pompeaza
Nu mai vreau sa fiu in staza
Cu cutitul as ucide ceva
Cu toporul as despica pe cineva
Faceti-mi loc la masa
Sa demonstrez uciderea in masa
Genocid sau eliberare
Depinde de modul de administrare
Sangele nu curge in van
Il colectez sa imi pictez pe tavan
Imaginea placuta provoaca voma
De te prind vei deveni icoana
Pictata pe tavan la mine
Ce zici ? Te tine ?
sincer e nice... ai facut-o in aproximativ 5 minute nu?

5 mesaje

The Black Poetry - 2

scris pe 16 nov 2005 13:12 de FILTH

2. Novus Ordo Seclorum

Putrid cross of ignorance, loss of reverence, whip of innocence
Been listening to your mourning, watching you falling

Deeper, farer, until your calling
Evoked an eerie tone, that only you alone
As a warning have known
Guess, you've tried everything
To be as me, to winback the soul I've kindly been

"Treating like my only son
God's shiny angel, I am gone
and you what the hell have you become?
Abandoned son, my fairly fallen angel, come on
And tell your father, what will we become?"

Angels, we dwell in hell,
Humiliated and sad as well
The world succumbed, some tell
And there I stand stone-still
In my own non-existance and muse upon consequence!

Blood stained clay, forth from our sacred dissaray
Someone will walk a new way
And will close the door 'tween us and common core
Angels, did you really want this war?
Scarlet lips of indecency - scarlet lips of perversity
In search for a splintered tongue Matching each face disguised
Sharpened words of intimacy
They'll need all my love
They'll need my hatred

Sapience, pierce my flesh with your thorns of irony
Angel falls and twists her wings and her gleaming breasts
will rot like foul flesh
Hence worms will dance to a macabre romance...
The rape of sweetness in my eyes

Decrepitude, pierce my tongue with your womanliness
Suck the honey of my breath and tear faith apart
Scratching suicidal love on life's putrid skin
I am your mortal son, so I am SIN!!!

Oh ye, in hell we are, humiliated and bizarre
How only I have reached so far, my star
And you, across that melting sky
Waiting for me to die
For everything must die...
...and within everything am I!

asta e mai dura ca prima......parerea mea.......si am zis sa pun si una-n engleza....waiting for opinions...

Expert member
803 mesaje

Re: The Black Poetry - 2

scris pe 16 nov 2005 19:52 de DezOrg

proezie buna, primele 2 versuri in special . Mai astept.

5 mesaje


scris pe 17 nov 2005 10:54 de FILTH

hmmm......mi s-a sters deja o poezie.....naspa.....anyway, inca una la rand.......sper k de data asta moatan-ul n-o sterge(daca el a sters-o pe cea dinainte)

2.After Dark

Alone with my shadows I've come
To sing the twilight's hymn every time
A new day dawns onto a place most desirable
Grateful disembodiment
... To pierce some holes into our horizon of perception
Which new imaginations could penetrate thru...

Our dreams will shine like thunder
On a senseless rainy day
Wrapped in the dank breathing
Of both nature and men

The stars look all too near
The senses lie so far
But it's not the way we fear
It's more the thing we are

The stars look all too near
The seasons, oh, so dark
It's not the way we fear
It's more the way we are

Didn't pain prove life
With its reasons all hallowed
Didn't light prove darkness
With its shadows eclipsed?

Alone with my shadow I'm gone
Still I hear the twilight's hymn everytime
Life continues its sculptures
Like a poetry without rhyme!

Expert member
2137 mesaje

Re: hmmm....

scris pe 18 nov 2005 12:42 de 2peu

hmmm......mi s-a sters deja o poezie.....naspa.....anyway, inca una la rand.......sper k de data asta moatan-ul n-o sterge(daca el a sters-o pe cea dinainte)

2.After Dark

Alone with my shadows I've come
To sing the twilight's hymn every time
A new day dawns onto a place most desirable
Grateful disembodiment
... To pierce some holes into our horizon of perception
Which new imaginations could penetrate thru...

Our dreams will shine like thunder
On a senseless rainy day
Wrapped in the dank breathing
Of both nature and men

The stars look all too near
The senses lie so far
But it's not the way we fear
It's more the thing we are

The stars look all too near
The seasons, oh, so dark
It's not the way we fear
It's more the way we are

Didn't pain prove life
With its reasons all hallowed
Didn't light prove darkness
With its shadows eclipsed?

Alone with my shadow I'm gone
Still I hear the twilight's hymn everytime
Life continues its sculptures
Like a poetry without rhyme!

frumos... poezii in romana nu mai ai... imi plac mai mult alea...

5 mesaje

Re: Re: hmmm....

scris pe 30 nov 2005 21:36 de FILTH

ba am.............desi sunt juma in engleza, juma in romana.........imi place sa mai fac uneori asa, amestecate.....suna mai bine...........

Tristetea Vehementa

Viata dormiteaza germinind
Si-o simt in jur universala
Intr-o nesfirsita oboseala
Si-n absenta ultimului gind
Iar taina aerului otravit
Intr-un inceput de innoptare
Al acelui orizont nemarginit...
Adoarme fara desteptare...

My ruined world 's denying the earthly time
Drained of all emotions...
Immortality, now be mine!
My ruined dreams...remains of tortured years...
Who will be left to wipe away my bitter tears?!?

Words of sorrow...
sail, travelling on cold winds
Words of tranquility...
fail, dancing on my wounded lips

I'm dying mostly alone
Within life's thin disguise
And I can't tame the blood
And the heart THEY have baptized

The scars burn deeply into my soul
My smile has lost it's brilliance
My words become so trivial...
Loosing all desire,
Loosing all...
But pride!

Cu vehementa miniei tristetea
Difuza se strecoara
Ca un ghimpe de-otrava
Al florii vietii vestejite

"Moartea succede vietii,
Viata succede la moarte
Alt sens nu are lumea asta,
n-are alt scop si-alt sfarsit!"

...Caci demult, aici, la marginea vietii
Sub lumina siderala, nu mai traiesc in timp...
Iar calendarul a reintrat in forma lui astrala

"Te vad,
Te aud, te cuget,
Tinara si dulce fiinta, dintr-un cer cu-alte stele
cu alte vise si alti zei"

...Pe drumuri delirind, pe-o vreme de toamna
Ma urmareste-un gand,
Ce ma-ndeamna:
"Dispari cit mai curind!"
...Caci visu-mi nu-i un vispamintesc

My ruined world's grasping for a mystic thought
Though the soul's already tired of search
My ruined dreams - Out of reach
And the hopeless soul keeps on waiting,
for whom?
But who's to know?

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