Capitolul doi din epopeea "Discutand despre Iisus, cu omul de rand" aduce in prim plan formatia Pocaitii cu piesa de mare angajament "Dezvaluiri".
Cei trei cavaleri ai Bibliei abordeaza stilul hip hop spiritual, fiind, in opinia mea, o sursa de informare si invatatura pentru Rechinu. Nu zic inspiratie, pentru ca, dupa cum aflam din versurile sansonetei, doar Sfanta Scriptura ne poate inspira.
Versurile sunt o idee mai bune, pline de trimiteri la Biblie iar videoclipul demonteaza magistral inca din primele secunde teoriile evolutioniste cu privire la aparitia omului. Bravo lor, Inchizitia, Ku Klux Klan-ul si parintele de la Tanacu ar fi mandrii de ei!
Videoclipul e filmat prin zonele de pierzanie consacrate ale Bucurestiului: Lipscani, cartiere periferice, WCuri si o imitatie de celula de inchisoare. In aceasta locatie, personajul semi-principal (adica nu Dumnezeu) descopera Biblia si revine pe calea cea dreapta. Same shit, e putin previzibila chestia asta cu mantuirea.
Pentru a va feri de pericolul de a nu fi inteles din prima esentialul, redau aici cele doua mesaje emblematice:
'singura carte care poate fi deschisa fara sa minta este Sfanta Scriptura'
'v-ati pierdut valorile, copiii fac sex'
12-01-2008 21:12 de fräulein schweden c
ma eu tot nu-i inteleg pe copiii astia.
if you start music production, why the hell not do it PROPERLY? for the love of God (hah, look at me, i like word play) the genre requires good, solid, beats and catchy samples. this is so bad i want to abuse myself. it's like they took 'em with a pitchfork and threw some samples in the arrange window. and when they had two bars they went WOW!!! this is THE shit!
heck britney spears has got crappy lyrics and bubble gum videos, but listen to the production on those tracks. and no, it's not about west vs. east. but given the resources that these people really have (come on, if you can afford to record an album and shoot videos, you're not doing bad at all), with the technology of the era and endless possibilities, i can't help but get incredibly angry at how they'd rather go backwards...
keep writing. it's very refreshing!